只需加水或冰水進水箱,噴霧風扇便能將水份霧化,由風扇將霧粒子吹出來,清涼降溫, 方便易用!

Our objectives are:to promote and protect the interests of Hong Kong garment manufacturers and merchants ;to research into all matters affecting the interests of the trade;
F商業 / 會社、組織及團體Federation of Hong Kong Garment Manfacturers

專業開啟家居及商業 ( 大門 / 鐵閘 / 房門 / 夾萬 / 電子鎖 ) 另設即日上門換鎖服務,為您提供一站式貼心服務 供應各國名廠鎖膽(Medeco/ Mul-T-Lock/ Cadman/ Yale/ Iseo)

Mini serviced apartments, fully furniture for businiess and long trip

gabion welded wire mesh gabion box popular in Philippines

provide one stop motor services to customers including new and used car retailing; car insurance; motor financing, auspicious car plate number; repair & maintenance services; supply of car parts

上水美甲 上水種植睫毛
B美容 / 美甲Birdy House - 上水/粉嶺美甲

鄰近港鐵站(1分鐘步程), 地點方便, 人流充足 -過百萬裝修及配套, 教學設備齊全 -場地逾二千呎, 可開拓生日派對及租場服務 -位置當眼, 有多個廣告位, 宣傳效益大 -場內有3個多功能房間, 同時可供40人上課 東主無閒兼顧多個業務, 割價誠讓. Pls call 5400 0040 Chat conversation end Type a message...

多款新淨婚紗晚裝西裝出售!真心好抵(價錢低至200!!),唔洗怕整污糟要賠, 又唔洗怕淘寶之後貨不對版,大家快預約到本店選購! 優惠:婚紗/西裝/晚裝買第2件即減$150, 3件$200(歡迎同朋友夾單) 婚紗/西裝/晚裝/姊妹裙(全新) Date: 20-21/2, 27-28/2, 5/3 6/3 Time: 12:00 - 19:00 不設試身 敬請預約 歡迎inbox查詢 可以去我地f

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A旅遊 / 遊樂會及渡假村Abercrombie & Kent (HK) Ltd

Established in 1976, Hop Chong Auto Parts Company ("Hop Chong") is a Hong Kong based company engaged in aftermarket spare parts business for commercial vehicles and equipment. Serving the i

Better Motors Company Limited, a Hong Kong company established in 2000, specialises in selling & repairing of European and Japanese luxurious motor vehicles. We strive to provide one stop motor s

三禾的維修部設備完善, 能為客人提供基本的維修保養外, 更能提供比賽級的專業服務. 由一般的綿羊仔,巡行車, 街車, 以及超級跑車 都是我們的服務對象. 三禾公司除了有一般的維修工具, 如裝拆胎機, 升降台, 氮氣機外, 還有可為你的愛驅做全面測試的 馬力機. Our WorkShop, facilities and services Sanwa do everything from simply
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